I'm going home melody
(Esther & Abi Ofarim, 1966)

German meaning:

Das Spiritual I'm going home, ein Lied aus dem Sklavenalltag des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts,
verbindet diesseitige Erlösungssehnsucht mit jenseitiger Auferstehungsgewissheit.
Das poetische Bild des Heimgehens über den Jordan bedeutete den farbigen Leibeigenen zugleich
die Befreiung aus der Sklaverei und die ewige Seeligkeit.

I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger
A-travellin' through this world of woe
And there's no sickness, no toil, no trouble
In that fary land to which I go.
I'm goin' home to see my mother
I'm goin' home, no more to roam.
I'm just a goin' over Jordan
I'm just a goin' over home.
I know dark clouds will gather 'round me
I know my way steep and rough
But greener fields lie just beyond me
Just one more stand [..]
When I'm goin' home to meet my mother
She said she'd meet me when I come
I'm (a) goin' home over Jordan,
I'm only goin' over home.

Now I want to hear a song of glory
when I get home to that bright land
I want to sing some freedom story
To you with that bloodwashed band.

I'm a goin' home to meet my mother
She said she'd meet me when I come
I'm (a) only goin' over Jordan
I'm (a) only goin' over home.
